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Welcome to the site of HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE!


Call-centre: 8(7112)24-01-75
Welcome to the site of HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE!


Call-centre: 8(7112)24-01-75
Welcome to the site of HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE!


Call-centre: 8(7112)24-01-75
Welcome to the site of HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL COLLEGE!

MISSION OF THE COLLEGE - training of specialists with a high level of personal and professional qualities, which are able to contribute to the development of the pedagogical potential of Kazakhstan, taking into account the best domestic and foreign practices

Кайрлиева Алтынгул Жаксыгуловна
Тел.: +7 775 223 1252
Электронная почта: altin.uralsk@mail.ru

Уважаемые пользователи сайта!

Блог директора создан для преподавателей, сотрудников, студентов, родителей и связей с общественностью колледжа. Вы можете задать мне свои вопросы и направить свои мысли и предложения. Открытое и свободное обсуждение вопросов поможет развитию нашего колледжа, плодотворной работе руководства.

Уверена, что данная площадка станет важным механизмом эффективного обмена информацией и реализации поставленных задач, учитывая возможности решения многих проблем в нашей общей работе.

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Bizhanov Akan Malikovich
Deputy Director for Information Technologies

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Kenzhegalieva Saltanat Maksotovna
Deputy director for studies

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Mukashev Mukhambet Supygaliyevich
Deputy director for industrial practice work

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Koshanova Zauresh Amankosovna
Deputy Director of UMO on the profile "Education»

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Karimova Baktiganym Maksotovna
Deputy Director for Educational Work

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Yesenova Lyazzat Saykomovna
Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work

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Победители республиканского конкурса "Лучший ПЕДАГОГ"

Почетные работники образования Республики Казахстан

Жакупова Кырымжан Умбетрзаевна
Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті пәнінің оқытушысы
Қазақстан Республикасы білім беру ісінің құрметті қызметкері
2020 жылы
Мукашев Мухамбет Супыгалиевич
Көркем еңбек пәні оқытушысы
Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігінің білім беру және ғылым саласының Ы. Алтынсарин төсбелгісі иегері
2013 жыл
Набидоллин Бисенбай
Дене шынықтару пәні мұғалімі
Қазақстан Республикасы білім беру ісінің құрметті қызметкері
2013 жылы
Сапиев Биржан Каримович
География және биология пәндері мұғалімі
Қазақстан Республикасы білім беру ісінің құрметті қызметкері
2016 жылы
Хамзин Нурлан Амангельдиевич
Сурет, сызу еңбекке үйрету мұғалімі
Қазақстан Республикасы білім беру ісінің құрметті қызметкері
2013 жылы


The number of students

The history of the college

        Pedagogical College named after Zh. Dosmukhamedov is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
        It originates from the teachers' seminary, opened in the Western Region in 1913.

         In the 1920s, a 4-year pedagogical technical school was opened on the basis of the seminary. Before the opening of the Pedagogical Institute in Uralsk, the pedagogical technical school was the only educational institution in the republic and the region;

        In 1937, the pedagogical technical school was renamed the Ural Pedagogical College.

        During the Great Patriotic War the school was transferred to the village of Furmanovo;
        In 1957, due to the opening of of the Pedagogical Faculty (faculty of training primary school teachers with higher education and kindergarten teachers) in the Ural Pedagogical Institute , admission to the pedagogical college was not conducted;
        In 1967, due to the closure of the pedagogical faculty , the Ural Pedagogical College reopened;

        In 1994, the school received the status of a college;

        In 1998, the college was named after the famous figure of Kazakhstan Zhakhansha Dosmukhamedov;

         In 2000, the republican "College of the Year";

        In 2009, College took the first place in the regional competition "The best organization of technical and vocational education";

        In 2015, as a result of the effectiveness of the chosen development strategy according to the rating of the National Union of Business Ratings (NBR), the college received the title of "Industry Leader-2015".

        In 2018, college was awarded the title of the Higher Pedagogical College named after Zh . Dosmukhamedov

Material and technical base

There are 2 buildings on the balance of the college:

The educational building, built in 1878, with a total area of 2478.2 sq. m., with usable area of 1738.6 sq. m., brick, 2-storey, design capacity -1520 students. There are 46 educational lectures in the educational process, including 37 for special disciplines and 3 for general education disciplines, a laboratory – 4, a workshop – 2. There is also a canteen, a medical center and a library. All educational lectures are equipped with interactive and multimedia projectors. There is appropriate equipment for the production and replication of educational and methodological literature.

The dormitory building, with a total area of 4095.8 sq. m., living area-2079.1 sq. m., built in 1981, brick, 9 -storey, on each floor - 2 sections, in each section; there are utility rooms, showers and 2 toilets, 110 rooms, design capacity-314.

The college classrooms are provided with modern technical equipment and comply with sanitary and epidemiological norms and requirements, equipped with modern equipment. Each classroom has technical safety rules, decoration according to the specialty specification, educational and methodological corners, multimedia devices, computers, local communication, the internet.

Адрес: Казахстан 090000, г. Уральск, проспект Нурсултана Назарбаева 173
Телефон: +7 (7112) 24-03-72, 24-02-13, 24-06-56
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Государственное коммунальное казенное предприятие "Высший педагогический колледж им.Ж.Досмухамедова" управления образования акимата Западно-Казахстанской области
Западно-Казахстанская область, г.Уральск, Нурсултана-Назарбаева, 173

БИН 990940002548
ИИК KZ6096512F0007757685
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