MISSION OF THE COLLEGE - training of specialists with a high level of personal and professional qualities, which are able to contribute to the development of the pedagogical potential of Kazakhstan, taking into account the best domestic and foreign practices

Кайрлиева Алтынгул Жаксыгуловна
Тел.: +7 775 223 1252
Электронная почта: altin.uralsk@mail.ru

Уважаемые пользователи сайта!

Блог директора создан для преподавателей, сотрудников, студентов, родителей и связей с общественностью колледжа. Вы можете задать мне свои вопросы и направить свои мысли и предложения. Открытое и свободное обсуждение вопросов поможет развитию нашего колледжа, плодотворной работе руководства.

Уверена, что данная площадка станет важным механизмом эффективного обмена информацией и реализации поставленных задач, учитывая возможности решения многих проблем в нашей общей работе.

Мы постоянно открыты для обратной связи, и все заявления и предложения обязательно будут рассмотрены. Ни одна проблема не останется без нашего внимания.


Information of  college library. 

The main task of library of college is ensuring educational process by scientific methodical literature to  i.e systematic completing of fund with educational and additional literature, also improvement of service quality to readers.

The library is located on 1 floor of the building of college. The area makes 180 sq.m.

Today the library of college has book fund in quantity – 70947 copy of books, from them – 65099 textbooks and educational and methodical grants, including to the state language-33225,  10703  literature on general education disciplines where about liters on the state makes. language - 6933, also 56546 copies are made by educational literature on special disciplines, where 34631 on  language. As a part of fund also  there is methodical literature in number-5826 of piece. The book fund of library is replenished every year.


According to annual statistics 3262000 tenges were spent for completing of fund in 2010,

2011 academic year – 3476 on the sum of 5249746 tenge

2012 academic year – 77 editions//for the sum – 2477096 tenge

2013 academic year – 2398 on the sum - 6692600 tenge

2014 academic year – 1041 for the sum of-2226800 tenge

As a result on replenishment of book fund of library in 5 years the volume of the spent financial means was made by 21617891  tenge, from them on replenishment of educational literature-9954121 to tenge.

Educational and methodical literature -3981648  tenge,

scientific literature-2986236 tenge,

other literature 2986237  tenge,

on acquisition of electronic educational editions – 183000 tenge

The special place among various types of printing editions is taken by the periodicals comprising the richest opportunities for all aspects of education.

In this regard the library of college annually subscribes for republican, regional newspapers and magazines with various names.

The volume of the financial means allocated for replenishment of subscription editions:

2010 of-71 names/sum-300249 t

2011 – 85 names/sum-403305 t;

2012 — 73 names/sum-333290 t.

2013 of-75 names/sum-279945t.

2014 of-54 names/sum-392860 t.

According to educational process the college provides every student with  the main educational and educational and methodical literature, methodical grants for implementation of educational process on all cycles of disciplines of professional educational programs, in compliances with requirements of the state educational standards.

Indicators of security of students with educational and educational and methodical literature correspond to standards. Security of one student with educational literature averages on the 1 student of 30 copies of books the Fund of the periodical press is completed on a profile of college. Each specialty is provided with a complex of periodicals. Existence of these periodicals allows to provide students and teachers with actual information.


Information on security of teacher training college with educational literature and educational and methodical grants

Educational - Methodical fund

Foundation for specials. disciplines

Fund for general subjects


Foundation for literature


Fund electronic textbooks



























 Updating of library fund in necessary quantity is annually carried out. The fund of library is completed on the basis of catalogs, price lists, the publishing centers "Foliant", "Akademiya", "Almaty kytap", "Atamura", и.т.д

Completing by educational literature is conducted according to demands of managers of chairs.

Today to services of students, teachers, employees there are 2 departments of service of readers reading rooms, an electronic reading room. Possibility of search in a database of the electronic catalog is opened for users.

One of the main of function of library is library and bibliographic service of readers.

In a reading room there are traditional alphabetic, systematic catalogs which are kept with observance of state standards, tables BBK.

At the moment readers have opportunity to use systematic, alphabetical catalog for acquaintance and selection of necessary literature in paper option. Also the systematic card file of articles where undersign not only books but also articles from the periodical press is conducted, the local history card file is conducted. Weekly in traditional catalogs and card files new receipts are reflected.

The number of readers of library increases every year.

So, if 2009-2010  year passed registration-1450 users in library, including students-1350 of users,

2010-2011  to year-1600, students-1450,

2011-2012 to year-1630, students-1500,

2012-2013  to year-1615, students-1500,

2013-2014 - 2008 people, including students-1908 of people.

The number of visits in 2013-2014 academic year made-56130, quantity of the given-out piece literature-75100.

The increased information needs of users of library were an incitement to automation of library processes. For this purpose to 2010 it was acquired and established the software of IP of Dimukhamedov.  "Library science" for automation of library stocks and creation of electronic databases. At present formation of the databases "Electronic Catalogue" as a result of which today into a database it is entered 13000 by copy of editions which in process of receipt of new books is replenished, about 100 descriptions of names of articles is conducted, also 50 copies of the scanned textbooks are made available to students.

In structure of library – there is a reading room on 60 seats equipped with the  6 computers, the electronic hall on 64 places where personal computers for ensuring access to databases of the electronic catalog of library, also with fund of documents on electronic media are installed.

In electronic and reading halls on all computers there is an Internet connection. Information can be downloaded on an electronic medium or to unpack. Besides traditional educational methodical aids in paper form popularity among students and teachers is gained by electronic sources of information and electronic textbooks. Students in convenient time have opportunity to be engaged in a reading and electronic room where there is an extensive fund of educational and methodical, art, reference books for all directions of educational activity: encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books. It allows readers to receive full assistance by preparation for occupations, selection of literature for reports, educational and research works of students, thematic papers. An indicator of overall performance of library are prize-winning places which are taken by our students, participating in competitions of city and regional level.

Besides in hostels of college there is point of delivery of literature of our library.

Book exhibition  is a traditional work of library. Popularity of this form of service that it is effective, quick in respect of acquaintance of readers to the new editions coming to library. For this purpose in library constant book exhibitions of the thematic plan are developed. For example, "Egemendy_ El-Tayelsiz- Kazakhstan", "Til- ultymyzdyn tiregy", "Til-sarkylmas kazyna", "Deni sau urpak el bolashagy", "Elbasynyn  Zholdauy-eldin kamy", "Zandy  bilu-zaman talaby", "Tarikhy  mol Shezhireli oku ornyna-100 zhyl", "Tanysynyz-Zhanaa kitaptar", "Salamatta Kazakhstan"., etc. For the aid to readers it will be organized the literature exhibitions devoted to significant dates.

 Annually according to the plan about 20 thematic exhibitions of the new receipts opening fund of library are made out.

For increase of information culture of users at the beginning of each academic year for first-year students sightseeing tours on fund and help search the device are conducted.

In library of college according to the plan for the purpose of promotion of book fund much attention is paid to mass work, promotion of culture of reading. The mass events devoted significant and to memorials of poets and writers are for this purpose held. So, within the stock "One Country — One Book" for the purpose of promotion of works of the Kazakh writer S. Muratbekov reader's conference on the book "Zhusan Iysi " was held. The literary party of promotion of works of the poet M. Makatayev "Mukagali mangylik gumir, a memorial party on the subject "Kazak zhyrynyn  Kadyry" devoted to our poet fellow countryman K. Myrzaliyev is carried also out, to the 77 anniversary of the writer T. Moldagaliyev the book exhibition "Sezim  Padishasu" was issued. Also bibliographic reviews were carried out and the recommendatory indexes devoted to K. Amanzholov, Zh. Zhabayev, Zh. Nabiullin creativity were made.

For the purpose of promotion of works of Oralkhan Bukey the methodical -bibliographic grant for the aid to students "Altaydan ainalyp ushkan akiyk" was made where the grant acquaints with his biography, his catchwords, also information on his creativity. Much attention is paid to promotion of literature on patriotic, moral, esthetic, local history, ecological education.

In this regard events on "Uly erlik – urpakka ulgi" (devoted to the 90 anniversary of the Hero of the Soviet Union M. Mametova), "Tabigat – tal besigimyz", "Adamgershilyk-asyl kasiet", "Tugan  zherіn-tugurun", "Tarbie tugury-imandylykta", etc.



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